Bloodline investigates the popular belief that Jesus married Mary Magdalene, who fled to southern France with their child.
In an adventure worthy of Indiana Jones, filmmaker Bruce Burgess and team crack the shadowy secret society, known as the Priory of Sion.
Their investigation follows clues linking the Knights Templar and the legend of Mary Magdalene with messages embedded in the decor of the famed church at Rennes-le-Chateau in France, leading ultimately to stunning discoveries.
A buried chest with artifacts dating to 1st century Jerusalem and a hidden tomb filled with treasure and a mummified corpse draped in a shroud bearing a distinctive red cross. ...
In an adventure worthy of Indiana Jones, filmmaker Bruce Burgess and team crack the shadowy secret society, known as the Priory of Sion.
Their investigation follows clues linking the Knights Templar and the legend of Mary Magdalene with messages embedded in the decor of the famed church at Rennes-le-Chateau in France, leading ultimately to stunning discoveries.
A buried chest with artifacts dating to 1st century Jerusalem and a hidden tomb filled with treasure and a mummified corpse draped in a shroud bearing a distinctive red cross. ...

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