Iran and the Bomb
With every passing month the international dispute over Iran’s nuclear programme becomes more intractable.
On the one side, the West and Israel are convinced that Iran is working towards a nuclear weapon and are determined that this should never be allowed to become reality – even if that ultimately means taking military action to prevent it.
On the other side, Iran insists that its nuclear project is purely peaceful and that its controversial uranium enrichment programme is aimed only at producing fuel for the Iranian economy and medical isotopes for use in its health services.
Is Iran really building a nuclear weapon or are its activities peaceful? And would Israel...
On the one side, the West and Israel are convinced that Iran is working towards a nuclear weapon and are determined that this should never be allowed to become reality – even if that ultimately means taking military action to prevent it.
On the other side, Iran insists that its nuclear project is purely peaceful and that its controversial uranium enrichment programme is aimed only at producing fuel for the Iranian economy and medical isotopes for use in its health services.
Is Iran really building a nuclear weapon or are its activities peaceful? And would Israel...


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